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Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri is the founder of Minhaj-ul- Quran International (MQI) and a renowned and revered figure in the Islamic World. He has spent more than four decades for his efforts to promote peace, interfaith harmony, women and human rights at a global level through his academic lectures, books and his organisation. Through his works as a religious scholar of the highest eminence and credibility, he is also well known throughout the Muslim world. And, touched and inspired by his message of peace, unconditional love and tolerance for mankind, he is admired, respected and loved by people of all walks of life, be they ordinary everyday folk, or politicians, statesmen, ambassadors, academics, scholars, priests and ministers of religion of all faiths and denominations.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri was born on 19 February 1951 in the historic town of Jhang, Pakistan. From a young age, he was educated in both the Islamic and secular fields of knowledge. Dr Qadri graduated with a first class honours in law at the Punjab University, Lahore, in 1970 and followed this with an M.A. in Shariah sciences, receiving a Gold Medal for his academic performance. In the meantime, he had completed his classical Islamic studies, having spent over ten years under the tutelage of his father and other eminent Islamic scholars of the time, achieving an unparalleled understanding of the classical Shariah sciences and the Arabic language. Following a period of legal practice, he taught law at the University of Punjab from 1978 to 1983 and then gained his PhD in Islamic law from the same university in 1986. He was afterwards appointed as Professor of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence at the University of Punjab.

Dr Qadri founded Minhaj-ul-Quran in 1981 and established its headquarters in Lahore. In less than 30 years, Minhajul- Qur’an has expanded and spread to more than 90 countries around the world; and in terms of its comprehensive and all-encompassing sphere of activities, including welfare, educational, cultural and spiritual, Minhaj-ul-Quran is probably one of the largest nongovernmental organisations in the world.

Dr Qadri is currently the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Minhaj University of Lahore (Pakistan), chartered by the Government. He has been engaged in intensive research work, having authored around 650 published works in is lifetime, together with around 1000 unpublished works. He has delivered thousands of lectures around the world on a vast variety of subjects.

Some of his marvellous and unparalleled academic works include:

(1) The Glorious Qur’an (Irfan-ul-Qur’an) [Most updated translation of the Holy Qur’an available in English, Norwegian, Finnish, Urdu, Sindhi, Hindi, Bengali and Kashmiri languages]

(2) Qur’anic Encyclopaedia ( (الموسوعة القرآنیة الموضوعیة [A compendium of 8 volumes on a wide range of 5,000 classical and modern subjects]

(3) The Encyclopaedia of Hadith Studies ( الموسوعۃ القادریۃ في العلوم الحدیثیۃ) [The 8-volume Encyclopaedia of Hadith Studies "al-Mawsua al-Qadiriyya fil-Ulum al-Hadithiyya" which covers all branches of the science of hadith in authoritative manner]

(4) Principles of Exegesis المقدمة في التفسیر وعلوم القرآن 

(5) Jami‘ al-Sunna fima Yhataju ilayhi Aakhir al-Umma ( جامع (السنة فیما یحتاج إلیھ آخر الأمة [A compendium of hadiths in 40 volumes on a wide range of classical and modern subjects]

(6) Jami‘ al-Ahkam min Sunna Khayr al-Anam ( جامع الأحكام من (سنة خیر الأنام [A compendium of hadiths in 12 volumes on a wide range of commandments]

(7) Biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)—12 volumes [Largest book in Urdu language]

(8) A Real Sketch of the Prophet Muhammad a: The Perfect Exemplar for Humanity

(9) Prophetic Virtues & Miracles (al-Minhaj al-Sawi [Part I])

(10) Righteous Character & Social Interactions (al-Minhaj al- Sawi [Part II])

(11) Human Rights in Islam

(12) Islam and Modern Science

(13) Qur’an on Creation and Expansion of the Universe

(14) Islam in Various Perspectives

(15) Islamic Principles of Citizenship and the Constitution of Medina [Underprint]

(16) Prophetic Peace Sermons [Underprint]

(17) Prophetic Peace Treaties with non-Muslim Nations [Underprint]

(18) A Clear Exposition of al-Hadith al-Sahih ( البیان الصریح في (الحدیث الصحیح 

(19) The Ruling on Taking Narrations from the People of Innovations ( (حكم السماع عن أھل البدع والأھواء 

(20) Islamic Philosophy of Human Life فلسفة الحیاة في الإسلام 

(21) Philosophy of Muqatta‘at Letters فلسفة الحروف المقطعات (تفسیر الم نموذجا 

(22) Sura al-Fatiha and Personality Development

(23) Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings

He has delivered over seven thousand lectures (in Urdu, English and Arabic) on a wide range of subjects.

Dr Qadri’s efforts are all the more important in this current climate of heightened anxiety, where terrorism and atrocities against innocent people in the name of religion pose a major threat to world peace and endanger the peaceful coexistence of minorities and host communities throughout the world. Of further concern is the fact that this anxiety gave rise to a state of increasing misunderstanding and mistrust between the West and one of the major religions in this world, Islam.

There was thus an urgent need for representatives of both sides to come together and resolve this situation. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri is one of a very few leaders of the Islamic world who has absolutely and unreservedly condemned the acts of barbarism carried out in the name of religion, and certainly he is the most prominent one to have done so, and in so public a way. Words, however, are not enough. It would be clear to anyone who takes an earnest interest in the matter that noone is doing more, or has achieved more, in the struggle against extremist Islamic ideology, the precursor of terrorism, than Dr Qadri. He is the only prominent Islamic leader whose teachings and actions, and institution-building unmistakably demonstrate his unwavering commitment to peace, interfaith harmony, peaceful coexistence and security.

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has formally recognised and granted a ‘Special Consultative Status’ to Minhaj-ul-Quran International, founded by Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri has been particularly concerned with promoting women’s rights ever since he began his mission. He established the Women’s Forum of Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International (Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League - MWL) in order to promote the interests of women and their full participation at community as well as on international levels. In his lectures and publications he has also called for greater educational and employment freedoms for women, encouraged active participation of women in all aspects of society and has attempted to address the significant cultural barriers undermining the status and role of women within traditional family and social structures of the Asian Subcontinent and migrant Asian communities all over the world.

No words can do justice to efforts of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri for peace, education, women’s rights, welfare and spiritual development of the individuals on international level. Minhaj-ul-Quran International Australia has been actively participating to promote the very essence of his vision to play the role to create a better community. Minhaj-ul-Quran International Australia is looking forward to host Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri in Australia during July 2024 where he will be addressing gatherings and conferences in major cities of VIC, NSW and QLD believed to be attended by thousands of people from around Australia including educationalist, politicians, community leaders and journalists. Highlight of his Australia 2024 visit is a three days residential spiritual and educational camp (Al-Hidayah Australia 2024) which will attract men, women and youth from around Australia and Asia Pacific Region.